we went to sunway pyramid yesterday and she doesn know we going,sigh,cos she said less ppl go and canceled the plan,and she went herself oni...we not tat so evil la!!~~
went for movie,babylon and we all complained bout it....our mind were..''?????'' =D
thx to JiaJoon for the ride and he cant manage to come along with us cos mum rushing him =D
so sad..
reached at Ho Ho steamboat restaurant around 8 ..b4 tis KenBoon and Reagan stay in my hse for waiting MeiKeit kao dim and fetch her...kb n r ...struggling for food...n ate my food like hungry ghost ..weee!~
stop craping and pretty lazy to type dy,tmr college arghhh going by lrt lonely =(
here the pics!!!
went for movie,babylon and we all complained bout it....our mind were..''?????'' =D
thx to JiaJoon for the ride and he cant manage to come along with us cos mum rushing him =D
so sad..
reached at Ho Ho steamboat restaurant around 8 ..b4 tis KenBoon and Reagan stay in my hse for waiting MeiKeit kao dim and fetch her...kb n r ...struggling for food...n ate my food like hungry ghost ..weee!~
stop craping and pretty lazy to type dy,tmr college arghhh going by lrt lonely =(
here the pics!!!
at last tired..and me n Reagan ntn better to do..so show some vulgarity (underage pls scroll down faster) =D
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